Source code for odml_table

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import os
import re
import copy
import odml
import csv
import datetime
import xlrd

from future.utils import iteritems
from six import string_types

# Workaround Python 2 and 3 unicode handling.
    unicode = unicode
except NameError:
    unicode = str

[docs]class OdmlTable(object): """ Class to create tables in different formats from odml-files :param show_all_sections: if set to False, information about the section like the path or name of the section wont be in the table again, if they are same as in the line before :param show_all_properties: if set to False, information about the property like the name or definition of the property wont be in the table again, if they are same as in the line before tables with an emptycolumn :type show_all_sections: bool :type show_all_properties: bool """ def __init__(self, load_from=None): self.show_odml_warnings = False self._odmldict = None self._docdict = None self.odtypes = OdmlDtypes() self._header = ["Path", "PropertyName", "Value", "odmlDatatype"] self._header_titles = {"Path": "Path to Section", "SectionName": "Section Name", "SectionType": "Section Type", "SectionDefinition": "Section Definition", "PropertyName": "Property Name", "PropertyDefinition": "Property Definition", "Value": "Value", "DataUnit": "Data Unit", "DataUncertainty": "Data Uncertainty", "odmlDatatype": "odML Data Type"} self.show_all_sections = False self.show_all_properties = False self._SECTION_INF = ["SectionType", "SectionDefinition"] self._PROPERTY_INF = ["PropertyDefinition", "DataUnit", "DataUncertainty", "odmlDatatype"] if load_from is not None: if isinstance(load_from, string_types): filename, file_extension = os.path.splitext(load_from) if file_extension == '.odml': self.load_from_file(load_from) elif file_extension == '.xls': self.load_from_xls_table(load_from) elif file_extension == '.csv': self.load_from_csv_table(load_from) else: raise IOError('Can not read file format "%s". odMLtables ' 'supports only .odml, .xls and .csv files.') elif isinstance(load_from, odml.doc.BaseDocument): self.load_from_odmldoc(load_from) elif callable(load_from): self.load_from_function(load_from) def __create_odmldict(self, doc): """ function to create the odml-dict """ # In odml 1.4 properties are the leaves of the odml tree; unwrap from there. props = list(doc.iterproperties()) odmldict = [{'Path': p.get_path(), 'SectionType': p.parent.type, 'SectionDefinition': p.parent.definition, 'PropertyDefinition': p.definition, 'Value': p.values, 'DataUnit': p.unit, 'DataUncertainty': p.uncertainty, 'odmlDatatype': p.dtype} for p in props] odmldict = self._sort_odmldict(odmldict) return odmldict def _sort_odmldict(self, odmldict): # switching order of ':' and '/' in alphabet, to get properties listed first and # subsections listed second switch = {'/': ':', ':': '/'} weight_func = lambda word: [switch[c] if c in switch else c for c in word] return sorted(odmldict, key=lambda k: weight_func(k['Path'])) def _split_path(self, dic): path, property_name = dic['Path'].split(':') section_name = path.split('/')[-1] return path, section_name, property_name def _create_documentdict(self, doc): attributes = ['author', 'date', 'repository', 'version'] docdict = {att: getattr(doc, att) for att in attributes} return docdict # TODO: better exception
[docs] def load_from_file(self, load_from): """ loads the odml-data from an odml-file :param load_from: the path to the odml-file :type load_from: string """ doc = odml.load(load_from, show_warnings=self.show_odml_warnings) # resolve links and includes doc.finalize() self._odmldict = self.__create_odmldict(doc) self._docdict = self._create_documentdict(doc)
[docs] def load_from_odmldoc(self, doc): """ loads the odml-data from an odml-document :param load_from: the odml-document :type load_from: odml-document """ self._odmldict = self.__create_odmldict(doc) self._docdict = self._create_documentdict(doc)
[docs] def load_from_function(self, odmlfct): """ loads the odml-data by using a function that creates an odml-document :param load_from: function that returns an odml-document :type load_from: function """ doc = odmlfct() self._odmldict = self.__create_odmldict(doc) self._docdict = self._create_documentdict(doc)
def _get_docdict(self, row): ''' supplementory function to reconstruct self._docdict from first row in table :param row: list of values in first row of table :return: None ''' if self._docdict == None: self._docdict = {} for col_id in list(range(int(len(row) / 2))): if row[2 * col_id + 1] != '': key = row[2 * col_id + 1] # in case last entry was empty and document # info is longer than header, this cell will # not be present if 2 * col_id + 2 == len(row): value = '' else: value = row[2 * col_id + 2] self._docdict[key] = value
[docs] @staticmethod def get_xls_header(load_from): ''' Providing non-empty xls header entries of first sheet for odml tables gui only :return: ''' workbook = xlrd.open_workbook(load_from) for sheet_name in workbook.sheet_names(): worksheet = workbook.sheet_by_name(sheet_name) row = 0 # read document information if present if worksheet.cell(0, 0).value == 'Document Information': # doc_row = [r.value for r in worksheet.row(row)] # self._get_docdict(doc_row) row += 1 # get number of non-empty odml colums header_row = worksheet.row(row) # read the header header = [h.value for h in header_row if h.ctype != 0] return header
[docs] def load_from_xls_table(self, load_from): """ loads the odml-data from a xls-file. To load the odml, at least Value, Path, PropertyName and odmlDatatype must be given in the table. Also, the header_titles must be correct :param load_from: name(path) of the xls-file :type load_from: string """ self._odmldict = [] self._docdict = {} # create a inverted header_titles dictionary for an inverted lookup inv_header_titles = {v: k for (k, v) in list(self._header_titles.items())} workbook = xlrd.open_workbook(load_from) for sheet_name in workbook.sheet_names(): worksheet = workbook.sheet_by_name(sheet_name) row_id = 0 # read document information if present if worksheet.cell(0, 0).value == 'Document Information': doc_row = [r.value for r in worksheet.row(row_id)] self._get_docdict(doc_row) row_id += 1 # get number of non-empty odml colums header_row = worksheet.row(row_id) # read the header header = [h.value for h in header_row] # strip trailing empty cells from header for i in list(range(len(header_row) - 1, -1, -1)): if header_row[i].ctype == 0: header.pop(i) else: break n_cols = len(header) try: self._header = [inv_header_titles[h] if h != '' else None for h in header] except KeyError as e: if hasattr(e, 'message'): m = e.message else: m = str(e) raise ValueError('%s is not a valid header title.' % m) row_id += 1 # get column ids of non-empty header cells header_title_ids = {h: id for id, h in enumerate(self._header) if h != ''} header_title_order = {id: h for id, h in enumerate(self._header) if h != ''} must_haves = ["Path", "PropertyName", "Value", "odmlDatatype"] # check, if all of the needed information are in the table if any([(m not in self._header) for m in must_haves]): err_msg = ("your table has to contain all of the following " + " attributes: {0}").format(must_haves) raise ValueError(err_msg) previous_dic = {"Path": None, "SectionType": None, "SectionDefinition": None, "PropertyDefinition": None, "Value": None, "DataUnit": None, "DataUncertainty": None, "odmlDatatype": None} header_end_row_id = row_id for row_id in range(header_end_row_id, worksheet.nrows): row = worksheet.row_values(row_id) new_dic = {"Path": None, "SectionType": None, "SectionDefinition": None, "PropertyDefinition": None, "Value": None, "DataUnit": None, "DataUncertainty": None, "odmlDatatype": None} for col_n in list(range(len(row))): # using only columns with header if col_n in header_title_order and header_title_order[col_n] is not None: new_dic[header_title_order[col_n]] = row[col_n] if 'PropertyName' in new_dic and new_dic['PropertyName'] == '': new_dic['PropertyName'] = previous_dic['Path'].split(':')[1] for key in self._PROPERTY_INF: new_dic[key] = previous_dic[key] # copy section info if not present for this row if new_dic['Path'] == '': for key in self._SECTION_INF: new_dic[key] = previous_dic[key] new_dic['Path'] = '{}:{}'.format(previous_dic['Path'].split(':')[0], new_dic['PropertyName']) else: # update path and remove section and property names new_dic['Path'] = new_dic['Path'] + ':' + new_dic['PropertyName'] new_dic.pop('PropertyName') if 'SectionName' in new_dic: new_dic.pop('SectionName') # convert to python datatypes dtype = new_dic['odmlDatatype'] value = self._convert_to_python_type(new_dic['Value'], dtype, workbook.datemode) new_dic['Value'] = [value] # same section, same property if previous_dic['Path'] == new_dic['Path']: # old section, old property previous_dic['Value'].extend(new_dic['Value']) continue # new property else: # explicitely converting empty cells ('') to None for compatiblity with loading # from odml documents for k, v in new_dic.items(): if v == '': new_dic[k] = None if new_dic['Value'] == ['']: new_dic['Value'] = [] # converting values of this property new_dic['Value'] = self.odtypes.to_odml_value(new_dic['Value'], new_dic['odmlDatatype']) self._odmldict.append(new_dic) previous_dic = new_dic self._odmldict = self._sort_odmldict(self._odmldict)
def _convert_to_python_type(self, value, dtype, datemode): if ('date' in dtype or 'time' in dtype) and (value != ''): if isinstance(value, float): value = xlrd.xldate_as_tuple(value, datemode) elif isinstance(value, unicode): # try explicit conversion of unicode like '2000-03-23' m = re.match('(?P<year>[0-9]{4})-(?P<month>[0-1][0-9])-' '(?P<day>[0-3][0-9])', value) if m: date_dict = m.groupdict() value = (int(date_dict['year']), int(date_dict['month']), int(date_dict['day']), 0, 0, 0) else: raise TypeError('Expected xls date or time object, ' 'but got instead %s of %s' '' % (value, type(value))) return value
[docs] @staticmethod def get_csv_header(load_from): ''' Providing non-empty csv header entries of first sheet for odml tables gui only :return: ''' with open(load_from, 'r') as csvfile: csvreader = csv.reader(csvfile) row = next(csvreader) # check if first line contains document information if row[0] == 'Document Information': try: row = next(csvreader) except StopIteration(): raise IOError('Csv file does not contain header row.' ' Filename "%s"' % load_from) # get column ids of non-empty header cells header = [h for h in row if h != ''] return header
# TODO: use normal reader instead of dictreader => much easier!!
[docs] def load_from_csv_table(self, load_from): """ loads the odmldict from a csv-file containing an odml-table. To load the odml, at least Value, Path, PropertyName and odmlDatatype must be given in the table. Also, the header_titles must be correct :param load_from: name(path) of the csv-file :type load_from: string """ self._odmldict = [] self._docdict = {} # create a inverted header_titles dictionary for an inverted lookup inv_header_titles = {v: k for (k, v) in list(self._header_titles.items())} with open(load_from, 'r') as csvfile: csvreader = csv.reader(csvfile) row = next(csvreader) # check if first line contains document information if row[0] == 'Document Information': self._get_docdict(row) try: row = next(csvreader) except StopIteration(): raise IOError('Csv file does not contain header row.' ' Filename "%s"' % load_from) # get column ids of non-empty header cells header_title_order = {id: inv_header_titles[h] for id, h in enumerate(row) if h != ''} # reconstruct headers self._header = [inv_header_titles[h] if h != '' else None for h in row] must_haves = ["Path", "PropertyName", "Value", "odmlDatatype"] # check, if all of the needed information are in the table if any([(m not in self._header) for m in must_haves]): err_msg = ("your table has to contain all of the following " + " attributes: {0}").format(must_haves) raise ValueError(err_msg) current_dic = {"Path": "", "SectionType": "", "SectionDefinition": "", "PropertyDefinition": "", "Value": "", "DataUnit": "", "DataUncertainty": "", "odmlDatatype": ""} for row_id, row in enumerate(csvreader): is_new_property = True new_dic = {} for col_n in list(range(len(row))): # using only columns with header if col_n in header_title_order: new_dic[header_title_order[col_n]] = row[col_n] # listify all values for easy extension later if 'Value' in new_dic: if new_dic['Value'] != '': new_dic['Value'] = [new_dic['Value']] else: new_dic['Value'] = [] # update path and remove section and property names new_dic['Path'] = new_dic['Path'] + ':' + new_dic['PropertyName'] new_dic.pop('PropertyName') if 'SectionName' in new_dic: new_dic.pop('SectionName') # remove empty entries for k, v in new_dic.items(): if v == '': new_dic[k] = None # SAME SECTION: empty path -> reuse old path info if new_dic['Path'].split(':')[0] == '': new_dic['Path'] = '{}:{}'.format(current_dic['Path'].split(':')[0], new_dic['Path'].split(':')[1]) for sec_inf in self._SECTION_INF: if sec_inf in current_dic: new_dic[sec_inf] = current_dic[sec_inf] # SAME PROPERTY: empty property name -> reuse old prop info if new_dic['Path'].split(':')[1] == '': new_dic['Path'] = '{}:{}'.format(new_dic['Path'].split(':')[0], current_dic['Path'].split(':')[1]) for sec_inf in self._PROPERTY_INF: if sec_inf in current_dic: new_dic[sec_inf] = current_dic[sec_inf] # SAME SECTION if current_dic['Path'].split(':')[0] == new_dic['Path'].split(':')[0]: # SAME PROPERTY if current_dic['Path'] == new_dic['Path']: current_dic['Value'].extend(new_dic['Value']) is_new_property = False if is_new_property: if row_id > 0: self._odmldict.append(copy.deepcopy(current_dic)) current_dic = new_dic # copy final property if row_id == 0: self._odmldict.append(copy.deepcopy(new_dic)) else: self._odmldict.append(copy.deepcopy(current_dic)) # value conversion for all properties for current_dic in self._odmldict: current_dic['Value'] = self.odtypes.to_odml_value(current_dic['Value'], current_dic['odmlDatatype']) self._odmldict = self._sort_odmldict(self._odmldict)
[docs] def change_header_titles(self, **kwargs): """ Function to change the Name of a column in your table. Be careful with this function if you want to convert the table back to an odml. :param Path: Name of the 'Path'-Column in the table :param SectionName: Name of the 'Section Name'-Column in the table :param SectionType: Name of the 'Section Type'-Column in the table :param SectionDefinition: Name of the 'Section Definition'-Column in the table :param ProgertyName: Name of the 'Property Name'-Column in the table :param PropertyDefinition: Name of the 'Property Definition'-Column in the table :param Value: Name of the 'Value'-Column in the table :param DataUnit: Name of the 'Data Unit'-Column in the table :param DataUncertainty: Name of the 'Data Uncertainty'-Column in the table :param odmlDatatype: Name of the 'odML Data Type'-Column in the table :type Path: string, optional :type SectionName: string, optional :type SectionType: string, optional :type SectionDefinition: string, optional :type ProgertyName: string, optional :type PropertyDefinition: string, optional :type Value: string, optional :type DataUnit: string, optional :type DataUncertainty: string, optional :type odmlDatatype: string, optional """ for k in kwargs: if k in self._header_titles: self._header_titles[k] = kwargs[k] else: errmsg = "{0} is not in the header_title-dictionary. Valid keywords are {1}." \ "".format(k, ', '.join(self._header_titles.keys())) raise ValueError(errmsg)
[docs] def change_header(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Function to change the header of the table. The keywordarguments of the function are the possible columns you can include into your table; they are listed below, you can also check the possible options bei looking at the keys of the header_titles dictionary. They take the number of their position in the table, starting from left with 1. The default-header is ['Path', 'Property Name', 'Value', 'odML Data Type']. These are the columns you need to be able to convert your table back to an odml-file. Important: You can create tables wich dont contain any of those four, but they cant be converted back to odml. :param Path: Position of the 'Path'-Column in the table. :param SectionName: Position of the 'Section Name'-Column in the table :param SectionType: Position of the 'Section Type'-Column in the table :param SectionDefinition: Position of the 'Section Definition'-Column in the table :param PropertyName: Position of the 'Property Name'-Column in the table :param PropertyDefinition: Position of the 'Property Definition'-Column in the table :param Value: Position of the 'Value'-Column in the table :param DataUnit: Position of the 'Data Unit'-Column in the table :param DataUncertainty: Position of the 'Data Uncertainty'-Column in the table :param odmlDatatype: Position of the 'odML Data Type'-Column in the table :type Path: int, optional :type SectionName: int, optional :type SectionType: int, optional :type SectionDefinition: int, optional :type PropertyName: int, optional :type PropertyDefinition: int, optional :type Value: int, optional :type DataUnit: int, optional :type DataUncertainty: int, optional :type odmlDatatype: int, optional :Example: mytable.change_header(Path=1, Value=3, odmlDataType=2) => outcoming header: ['Path', 'odML Data Type', 'Value'] """ if args: if args[0] == 'full': kwargs = {k: i + 1 for i, k in enumerate(self._header_titles.keys())} elif args[0] == 'minimal': kwargs = {k: i + 1 for i, k in enumerate(["Path", "PropertyName", "Value", "odmlDatatype"])} # sortieren nach values keys_sorted = sorted(kwargs, key=kwargs.get) # check if first element is in range if kwargs[keys_sorted[0]] <= 0: errmsg = ("Your smallest argument is {}, but the columns start" + " at 1").format(kwargs[keys_sorted[0]]) raise ValueError(errmsg) # TODO: better Exception max_col = kwargs[keys_sorted[-1]] # initialize header with enough elements header = max_col * [None] if keys_sorted[0] in self._header_titles: header[kwargs[keys_sorted[0]] - 1] = keys_sorted[0] else: raise KeyError(" {} not in header_titles. Available header titles are: {}." "".format(keys_sorted[0], ', '.join(self._header_titles.keys()))) # check if there are two keys with the same value for index, key in enumerate(keys_sorted[1:]): if kwargs[keys_sorted[index]] == kwargs[keys_sorted[index - 1]]: errmsg = "The keys {0} and {1} both have the value {2}" \ .format(keys_sorted[index - 1], keys_sorted[index], kwargs[keys_sorted[index]]) raise KeyError(errmsg) # TODO: better exception else: if key in self._header_titles: header[kwargs[key] - 1] = key else: raise KeyError("{} not in header_titles. Available header titles are: {}." "".format(key, ', '.join(self._header_titles.keys()))) self._header = header
[docs] def consistency_check(self): """ check odmldict for consistency regarding dtypes to ensure that data can be loaded again. """ if self._odmldict != None: for property_dict in self._odmldict: if property_dict['odmlDatatype'] and \ property_dict['odmlDatatype'] not in self.odtypes.valid_dtypes: raise TypeError('Non valid dtype "{0}" in odmldict. Valid types are {1}' ''.format(property_dict['odmlDatatype'], self.odtypes.valid_dtypes))
def _filter(self, filter_func): """ remove odmldict entries which do not match filter_func. """ # inflate odmldict for filtering for dic in self._odmldict: sec_path, dic['PropertyName'] = dic['Path'].split(':') dic['SectionName'] = sec_path.split('/')[-1] new_odmldict = [d for d in self._odmldict if filter_func(d)] deleted_properties = [d for d in self._odmldict if not filter_func(d)] self._odmldict = new_odmldict return new_odmldict, deleted_properties
[docs] def filter(self, mode='and', invert=False, recursive=False, comparison_func=lambda x, y: x == y, **kwargs): """ filters odml properties according to provided kwargs. :param mode: Possible values: 'and', 'or'. For 'and' all keyword arguments must be satisfied for a property to be selected. For 'or' only one of the keyword arguments must be satisfied for the property to be selected. Default: 'and' :param invert: Inverts filter function. Previously accepted properties are rejected and the other way round. Default: False :param recursive: Delete also properties attached to subsections of the mother section and therefore complete branch :param comparison_func: Function used to compare dictionary entry to keyword. Eg. 'lambda x,y: x.startswith(y)' in case of strings or 'lambda x,y: x in y' in case of multiple permitted values. Default: lambda x,y: x==y :param kwargs: keywords and values used for filtering :return: None """ if not kwargs: raise ValueError('No filter keywords provided for property filtering.') if mode not in ['and', 'or']: raise ValueError('Invalid operation mode "%s". Accepted values are "and", "or".' '' % (mode)) def filter_func(dict_prop): keep_property = False for filter_key, filter_value in iteritems(kwargs): if filter_key not in dict_prop: raise ValueError('Key "%s" is missing in property dictionary %s' '' % (filter_key, dict_prop)) if comparison_func(dict_prop[filter_key], filter_value): keep_property = True else: keep_property = False if mode == 'or' and keep_property: break if mode == 'and' and not keep_property: break if invert: keep_property = not keep_property return keep_property _, del_props = self._filter(filter_func=filter_func) if recursive and len(del_props) > 0: for del_prop in del_props: self.filter(invert=True, recursive=True, comparison_func=lambda x, y: x.startswith(y), Path=del_prop['Path'])
[docs] def merge(self, odmltable, overwrite_values=False, **kwargs): """ Merge odmltable into current odmltable. :param odmltable: OdmlTable object or odML document object :param overwrite_values: Bool value to indicate whether values of odML Properties should be merged (appended) or overwritten by the entries of the other odmltable object. Default is False. :return: """ if hasattr(odmltable, 'convert2odml'): doc2 = odmltable.convert2odml() else: # assuming odmltable is already an odml document doc2 = odmltable doc1 = self.convert2odml() self._merge_odml_sections(doc1, doc2, overwrite_values=overwrite_values, **kwargs) def update_docprop(prop): if hasattr(doc1, prop) and hasattr(doc2, prop): values = [getattr(doc1, prop), getattr(doc2, prop)] # use properties of basic document, unless this does not exist common_value = values[0] if not common_value and values[1]: common_value = values[1] setattr(doc1, prop, common_value) for docprop in ['author', 'date', 'version', 'repository']: update_docprop(docprop) self.load_from_odmldoc(doc1)
def _merge_odml_sections(self, sec1, sec2, overwrite_values=False, **kwargs): """ Merging subsections of odml sections """ for childsec2 in sec2.sections: sec_name = if not sec_name in sec1.sections: sec1.append(childsec2) else: # this merges odml sections and properties, but always appends values sec1[sec_name].merge(childsec2, **kwargs) if overwrite_values: for prop_source in sec2.iterproperties(): prop_path = prop_source.get_path() prop_destination = sec1.get_property_by_path(prop_path) prop_destination.values = prop_source.values
[docs] def write2file(self, save_to): """ write the table to the specific file """ raise NotImplementedError() self.consistency_check()
[docs] def convert2odml(self): """ Generates odml representation of odmldict and returns it as odml document. :return: """ doc = odml.Document() oldpath = '' parent = '' self.consistency_check() for doc_attr_name, doc_attr_value in self._docdict.items(): setattr(doc, doc_attr_name, doc_attr_value) for dic in self._odmldict: # build property object prop_name = self._split_path(dic)[-1] prop = odml.Property(name=prop_name, value=dic['Value'], dtype=dic['odmlDatatype']) if 'PropertyDefinition' in dic: prop.definition = dic['PropertyDefinition'] if 'DataUnit' in dic: prop.unit = dic['DataUnit'] if 'DataUncertainty' in dic: prop.uncertainty = dic['DataUncertainty'] sec_path = dic['Path'].split(':')[0] current_sec = doc # build section tree for this property for sec_pathlet in sec_path.strip('/').split('/'): # append new section if not present yet if sec_pathlet not in current_sec.sections: current_sec.append(odml.Section(name=sec_pathlet)) current_sec = current_sec[sec_pathlet] if 'SectionType' in dic: current_sec.type = dic['SectionType'] if 'SectionDefinition' in dic: current_sec.definition = dic['SectionDefinition'] current_sec.append(prop) return doc
[docs] def write2odml(self, save_to): """ writes the loaded odmldict (e.g. from an csv-file) to an odml-file """ doc = self.convert2odml()
[docs]class OdmlDtypes(object): """ Class to handle odml data types, synonyms and default values. :param basedtypes_dict: Dictionary containing additional basedtypes to use as keys and default values as values. Default: None :param synonyms_dict: Dictionary containing additional synonyms to use as keys and basedtypes to associate as values. Default: None :return: None """ default_basedtypes = [ for d in odml.DType] default_synonyms = {'bool': 'boolean', '': 'date', 'datetime.time': 'time', 'integer': 'int', 'str': 'string'} # mapping synonym -> default type def __init__(self, basedtypes_dict=None, synonyms_dict=None): self._basedtypes = copy.copy(self.default_basedtypes) self._synonyms = self.default_synonyms.copy() self._validDtypes = None # update default values with used defined defaults if basedtypes_dict is not None: self._basedtypes.update(basedtypes_dict) if synonyms_dict is not None: self._synonyms.update(synonyms_dict) @property def valid_dtypes(self): # if not done yet: generate validDtype list with unique entries if self._validDtypes == None: validDtypes = list(self._basedtypes) for syn in list(self._synonyms): if syn not in validDtypes: validDtypes.append(syn) self._validDtypes = validDtypes return self._validDtypes @property def synonyms(self): return self._synonyms
[docs] def add_synonym(self, basedtype, synonym): """ Setting user specific default synonyms :param basedtype: Accepted basedtype of OdmlDtypes or None. None delete already existing synonym :param synonym: Synonym to be connected to basedtype :return: None """ if basedtype not in self._basedtypes: if basedtype is None and synonym in self._synonyms: self._synonyms.pop(synonym) else: raise ValueError( 'Can not add synonym "%s=%s". %s is not a base dtype.' 'Valid basedtypes are %s.' % ( basedtype, synonym, basedtype, self.basedtypes)) elif synonym is None or synonym == '': raise ValueError('"%s" is not a valid synonym.' % synonym) else: self._synonyms.update({synonym: basedtype})
@property def basedtypes(self): return list(self._basedtypes)
[docs] def to_odml_value(self, value, dtype): """ Convert single value entry or list of value entries to odml compatible format """ if value == '': value = [] if not isinstance(value, list): value = [value] for i in range(len(value)): value[i] = self._convert_single_value(value[i], dtype) return value
def _convert_single_value(self, value, dtype): if dtype == '': return value # # if value == '': # return None if dtype in self._synonyms: dtype = self._synonyms[dtype] if dtype == 'datetime': if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime): result = value else: try: result = datetime.datetime.strptime(value, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') except TypeError: result = datetime.datetime(*value) elif dtype == 'date': if isinstance(value, result = value else: try: result = datetime.datetime.strptime(value, '%Y-%m-%d').date() except ValueError: try: result = datetime.datetime.strptime(value, '%d-%m-%Y').date() except ValueError: raise ValueError( 'The value "%s" can not be converted to a date as ' 'it has not format yyyy-mm-dd or dd-mm-yyyy' % value) except TypeError: result = datetime.datetime(*value).date() elif dtype == 'time': if isinstance(value, datetime.time): result = value else: try: result = datetime.datetime.strptime(value, '%H:%M:%S').time() except TypeError: try: result = datetime.datetime(*value).time() except ValueError: result = datetime.time(*value[-3:]) elif dtype == 'int': result = int(value) elif dtype == 'float': result = float(value) elif dtype == 'boolean': result = bool(value) elif dtype in ['string', 'text', 'url', 'person']: result = str(value) else: result = value return result