Source code for compare_section_xls_table

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import os.path
import datetime
import xlwt

from .compare_section_table import CompareSectionTable
from .xls_style import XlsStyle

[docs]class CompareSectionXlsTable(CompareSectionTable): """ class to write a CompareSectionTable to a xls-file :param sheet_name: name of the excel-sheet, default is 'sheet1' :type sheet_name: string :param header_style: style used for the header :param first_style: style used for the values inside the table :param second_style: second style used for the values inside the table :param missing_value_style: if include_all is True, this style will be used if a property doesnt exist in the section, so they distinguish from properties with empty values :type header_style: XlsStyle :type first_style: XlsStyle :type second_style: XlsStyle :type missing_value_style: XlsStyle """ def __init__(self): CompareSectionTable.__init__(self) self.sheet_name = "sheet1" self.header_style = XlsStyle(backcolor='gray80', fontcolor='white', fontstyle='bold 1') self.first_style = XlsStyle(backcolor='dark_blue', fontcolor='white', fontstyle='') self.second_style = XlsStyle(backcolor='green', fontcolor='white', fontstyle='') self.missing_value_style = XlsStyle(backcolor='red', fontcolor='black', fontstyle='', )
[docs] def write2file(self, save_to): """ writes the table to an xls-file """ headerstyle = xlwt.easyxf(self.header_style.get_style_string()) missing_val_style = xlwt.easyxf( self.missing_value_style.get_style_string()) row_styles = [xlwt.easyxf(self.first_style.get_style_string()), xlwt.easyxf(self.second_style.get_style_string())] properties, sections, table = self._build_table() workbook = xlwt.Workbook() sheet = workbook.add_sheet(self.sheet_name) if os.path.splitext(save_to)[-1] == '': save_to += '.xls' max_col_len = [] if (self.switch): for i, prop in enumerate([''] + properties): sheet.write(0, i, prop, headerstyle) max_col_len.append(len(str(prop))) for row_num, sec in enumerate(sections): sheet.write(row_num + 1, 0, sec, headerstyle) if len(str(sec)) > max_col_len[0]: max_col_len[0] = len(str(sec)) for row_num, row in enumerate(table): for col_num, elem in enumerate(row): if elem is None: style = missing_val_style cell_content = "" else: style = row_styles[row_num % 2] cell_content = elem if isinstance(cell_content, datetime.datetime): style.num_format_str = "DD-MM-YYYY HH:MM:SS" elif isinstance(cell_content, style.num_format_str = "DD-MM-YYYY" elif isinstance(cell_content, datetime.time): style.num_format_str = "HH:MM:SS" else: style.num_format_str = "" sheet.write(row_num + 1, col_num + 1, cell_content, style) if len(str(cell_content)) > max_col_len[col_num+1]: max_col_len[col_num+1] = len(str(cell_content)) else: for i, sec in enumerate([''] + sections): sheet.write(0, i, sec, headerstyle) max_col_len.append(len(str(sec))) for row_num, prop in enumerate(properties): sheet.write(row_num + 1, 0, prop, headerstyle) if len(str(prop)) > max_col_len[0]: max_col_len[0] = len(str(prop)) for col_num, col in enumerate(table): for row_num, elem in enumerate(col): if elem is None: style = missing_val_style cell_content = "" else: style = row_styles[row_num % 2] cell_content = elem if isinstance(cell_content, datetime.datetime): style.num_format_str = "DD-MM-YYYY HH:MM:SS" elif isinstance(cell_content, style.num_format_str = "DD-MM-YYYY" elif isinstance(cell_content, datetime.time): style.num_format_str = "HH:MM:SS" else: style.num_format_str = "" sheet.write(row_num + 1, col_num + 1, cell_content, style) if len(str(cell_content)) > max_col_len[col_num+1]: max_col_len[col_num+1] = len(str(cell_content)) # adjust width of he columns for col_id, col_len in enumerate(max_col_len): sheet.col(col_id).width = (256 * (col_len+1))